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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador

This page contains Futurama fanart images created by an artist + fan of the series. These images where created only as a tribute to Futurama, but please, don't use them without a written permission from the author.
Notice that most of the original characters of Futurama are © and ™ of FOX and The Curiosity Company.

Author: Misty
Email: toadstoolcouch@yahoo.co.uk
Website: MWaters.deviantART.com

futurama point . fan art & scans . misty . 2

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     SHOWING 1930 OF 30 ITEM(S) [Fan Art & Scans MAIN]

futurama awww come on fry bender by misty waters futurama steve castle by misty waters futurama half mad half insane maniac fry james dean pose by misty waters
futurama doodles of interest by misty waters futurama our savior bender by misty waters futurama around the corner leela by misty waters
futurama that chick that guy by misty waters futurama come here big boots bender leela by misty waters futurama leela frys protector by misty waters
futurama my hero fry zapp by misty waters futurama arena fry zoidberg fight by misty waters futurama leela fry bad delivery boy by by misty waters

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     SHOWING 1930 OF 30 ITEM(S) [Fan Art & Scans MAIN]

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