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by JavieR / March 28, 2009 / 20:12
Is true.. and I added this update a little later, but today, 10 years ago, Futurama originally aired in the USA with the premiere episode, "1ACV01 - Space Pilot 3000". Since then, Futurama has been alive, perhaps not only in FOX, but later in Cartoon Network and Comedy Central, and then later with the 4 DVD movies. Most of all, Futurama was and is always alive in al the Fans all over the Internet, where it has never stopped (let me know if I'm wrong).
Futurama - 10 Years Anniversary

Futurama has covered many issues in all these years. Politics, love, religion, sex, time, science fiction, and the enviroment. The last one is mentioned in bold today, because Futurama always leaves a message to the world about all the environmental problems that we have and we could have. If you didn't know, today is also the Earth Hour, anywhere in the world, where you should turn your lights off from 20H30 to 21H30 (in your local time) in order to give Earth a break in the matter of global warming.

Cheers to another 10 years for Futurama!!!
by JavieR / March 24, 2009 / 11:24
Leela and the Robot devil (+ their baby) by MissusPatches Well, don't kill me.. I've been around, but only surfing around (blame my work, really!). I've some nice stuff for you today. First a new fanfic from a new person over here, FrysBabyGirl created a new fan history called Izzie, that is about a Frozen Girl that gets to meet the Planet Express Crew.

I've also added Fanart that you'll like. I'm gonna start with 4 images from Sof-Sof (aka Frygirl aka Yume93) that I shoud add some time ago featuring 21 images of Fry and Leela, an angel Fry with bees (sketch) and a Robot Devil (sketch). The other artist today is MissusPatches with 3 new fanarts featuring 2 original characters, Morris and Persephone (the chidren of Leela and the human Robot Devil), one with both kids and Doug the robot babysitter, and the last one features Leela and the human Robot Devil with a baby.

About Futurama, nothing new, but our hopes are big.. if you have any news about Futurama being renewed, just contact me ASAP!.
by JavieR / March 16, 2009 / 23:36
Sad child Leela by AlsizaWe all have to keep loving Futurama. Fans that create fanfics, reviews, arts and what not. Fans that keep buying those DVDs and merchadise. Fans that keep watching the show. Today, one of those fans is Mike Jessen and I've uploaded 6 of his new images featuring both Leela and Zoidberg in hover motorcycles, Amy with a provocative pose, a sexy Leela from the episode "Parasite's Lost", Leela as Lee Lemon, a great fanart of Amy riding Leela Centaur from the Bender's Game movie and my favourite (and featured) today, LaBarbara Conrad as the Mona Lisa (or The Gioconda).. Please be my guest and take a look or even 6.

BTW, I've some stuff to add from many other artists.. but I've no time right now and I have to sleep, but I assure you that I'll keep showing your Futurama love!
by JavieR / March 14, 2009 / 17:12
Sad child Leela by Alsiza Hello. I'm back around here with new fanart created by a new Artist af TFP. She is Alsiza (aka Astarta), she is from Russia, and I've added 4 of her Futurama images today featuring Leela and Fry in a romatic situation, Bender conforting a Sad Amy, Bender's dream with Leela AMy and Fry as his slaves, and my favourite (featured today), a picture of Child Leela very sad because she always tought she was an orphan, and that fanart captured those moments very well, so be sue to take a look!.
Another artist today is sick pickles with a neat version of Leela in her style.

In other news, I'm still busy with my work, so sometimes you'll se spare updates over here.. but don't worry, I always try to do my best updating TFP.
by JavieR / March 11, 2009 / 23:58
Since the last Futurama movie, Into the Wild Green Yonder, was released, I've read many articles that talk about the possible return of the series.. and no one really knows. Here you have some of the more important news I've seen:
  • Futurama's Future Looks Hazy After Wild Green Yonder [Wired.com]: They say that they asked FOX executives about Futurama, but no comment was given.. even when David X. Cohen said "[..] But the return of Futurama is being discussed. I'm just not privy to those discussions". David also confirmed the that ILoveBender.com is mantained by FOX, when it was just a joke from the 1st movie, Bender's Big Score.
  • If Futurama Comes Back, What's Next For Planet Express? [io9.com]: David X. Cohen said to them that "there definitely is a possibility. It's not 90% though. It's more 50/50" and that he already has the ideas (in the shower) of how to continue if Futurama returns.
  • David X. Cohen on the Future of Futurama [Newsarama.com]: They talk about the last movie, and the premature rumour from Billy West about a 6th season. Also, David X. Cohen said that "We're now talking about making a poster, and that one will have all the characters ever made for the show".
  • Futurama's Shock Return [Zoo Magazine]: There's an article with Matt Groening where he mentions that "We're talking with 20th Century Fox and we really hope it happens" something interesting because it will mean direct negotiation, but just in case, Zoo is a tabloid.
So.. there's a lot of speculation about the return of the series. While in the 3 first articles David X. Cohen said that FOX is talking about Futurama internally, the Zoo tabloid article talks about a direct negotiation (but is not a reliable source).

Now, I really hope that Futurama can comeback yet again, but the situation is still kinda vague. An official announcement or words from David X. Cohen or Matt Groening from reliable sources about a direct negotiation could be the Great News we all are waiting.
by JavieR / March 5, 2009 / 23:54
Planet Express Crew: Economic Crisis 3009 by coldangel_1 Hi people, I've been busy like hell these days, but I've some time today, and I've some neat stuff from the fans that I've to share with all of you. I'm gonna start with MissusPatches and one of her fanarts, featuring the Robot Devil and Swindle (I'm not sure but I think he is the one of the fanart) in a random conversation that has a weird finale.
Second, another fanart, but thi time from coldangel_1, remember him?, his fanart features the Planet Express crew (Fry, Bender, Leela and Zoidberg) begging in the street after the end (I hope not) of the series.. and because of the financial situation of the world (even in 3009!). I have to say that Zoidberg should look happy since he has been always poor (talking just about money).

In other stuff, I forgot to mention that the guys from HippoJuice.com made a video parody of Futurama with The Watchmen, with some nice sincronizations, chek it out.

What else, there's an interview with Billy West at ComicBookReviews.com where they talk aboutthe future of Futurama, the voices and the guess stars of the show.

Some other interviews with Matt Groening or David X. Cohen have appeared, I'll add them very soon in case you wanna check them out, in the meantime, keep getting those Futurama DVD movies.
by JavieR / March 2, 2009 / 21:54
Into the Wild Green Yonder toughts... Hello again everyone.. I'm sorry, I was very busy, so I've been around but not posting over here. I've some info about the last Futurama DVD movie, Into the Wild Green Yonder..
The last movie has mixed ratings and reviews like I said in a previous update.. that's why I've included all the ratings that I've seen about it (DVD or Blu-Ray):
Transforming that to an equal scale from 1 to 10, the rating is about of 7.5/10.. I find that rating a little low, I would rate the movie with a 8.5/10 beacuse is has many aspects from the good Futurama episodes. Is true that the movie has those empty spaces because of the time length, but that doesn't mean that is not interesting. The mixed ratings of Into the Wild Green Yonder are due many points of view, some from Die-Hard fans, other from "Critics" and others from regular fans (that's how I see it).

My point is that the Future for Futurama is not based only in these 4 DVD movies, but also in what the whole Series represent to the the numerous Fans (new and old) from the Futurama community, fans that waited 4-5 years for a return, a return that appeared but only with the DVD movies, not like regular episodes.
There's also the Big Sales, and not only with the DVDs.. since Futurama returned, many people has bought the whole Seasons again, the Toynami (present and future) action figures, Calendars, Comics and many others collectibles that are still available (and others already hard to find), all of this.. no matter if Futurama was canceled for 4 years.

Well, I've ranted a little. The next move is up to FOX... like Svip said at FM:TLZ, Futurama has already fans, legacy and the hype of the DVDs, so the right time is now.. well, only time will tell if we're going to get a Futurama Season 6 (and why not more...)
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