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by JavieR / March 2, 2009 / 21:54
Into the Wild Green Yonder toughts... Hello again everyone.. I'm sorry, I was very busy, so I've been around but not posting over here. I've some info about the last Futurama DVD movie, Into the Wild Green Yonder..
The last movie has mixed ratings and reviews like I said in a previous update.. that's why I've included all the ratings that I've seen about it (DVD or Blu-Ray):
Transforming that to an equal scale from 1 to 10, the rating is about of 7.5/10.. I find that rating a little low, I would rate the movie with a 8.5/10 beacuse is has many aspects from the good Futurama episodes. Is true that the movie has those empty spaces because of the time length, but that doesn't mean that is not interesting. The mixed ratings of Into the Wild Green Yonder are due many points of view, some from Die-Hard fans, other from "Critics" and others from regular fans (that's how I see it).

My point is that the Future for Futurama is not based only in these 4 DVD movies, but also in what the whole Series represent to the the numerous Fans (new and old) from the Futurama community, fans that waited 4-5 years for a return, a return that appeared but only with the DVD movies, not like regular episodes.
There's also the Big Sales, and not only with the DVDs.. since Futurama returned, many people has bought the whole Seasons again, the Toynami (present and future) action figures, Calendars, Comics and many others collectibles that are still available (and others already hard to find), all of this.. no matter if Futurama was canceled for 4 years.

Well, I've ranted a little. The next move is up to FOX... like Svip said at FM:TLZ, Futurama has already fans, legacy and the hype of the DVDs, so the right time is now.. well, only time will tell if we're going to get a Futurama Season 6 (and why not more...)
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