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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / March 5, 2009 / 23:54
Planet Express Crew: Economic Crisis 3009 by coldangel_1 Hi people, I've been busy like hell these days, but I've some time today, and I've some neat stuff from the fans that I've to share with all of you. I'm gonna start with MissusPatches and one of her fanarts, featuring the Robot Devil and Swindle (I'm not sure but I think he is the one of the fanart) in a random conversation that has a weird finale.
Second, another fanart, but thi time from coldangel_1, remember him?, his fanart features the Planet Express crew (Fry, Bender, Leela and Zoidberg) begging in the street after the end (I hope not) of the series.. and because of the financial situation of the world (even in 3009!). I have to say that Zoidberg should look happy since he has been always poor (talking just about money).

In other stuff, I forgot to mention that the guys from HippoJuice.com made a video parody of Futurama with The Watchmen, with some nice sincronizations, chek it out.

What else, there's an interview with Billy West at ComicBookReviews.com where they talk aboutthe future of Futurama, the voices and the guess stars of the show.

Some other interviews with Matt Groening or David X. Cohen have appeared, I'll add them very soon in case you wanna check them out, in the meantime, keep getting those Futurama DVD movies.
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