News Archive
April, 2011
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by JavieR / April 18, 2011 / 00:03
 Hello folks. I'm back again to give you some more Futurama fanart. I would like to start with 5 images created by Sof-Sof that feature Fry in most of the pics. There's a portrait of Fry, 2 weird pics of Fry and Zapp, Fry with a girl (not Leela haha) and one last just added that features Fry carrying Bender's head (I presume from the episode "Rosswell that ends Well").
 Another artist tonight is the well known Kaspired, and I'm glad to add his latest images, starting with a pic of the crew (Bender, Leela, Amy and Fry) stuck in the snow, an "African carving fang" crossover with LaBabara Conrad, Leela with Amy & laBarbara posing next to a manikin and finally, a nice character created by Gulliver63 for an upcoming fanfic he is writing, Amy W rong (BTW, a great name in my opinion).
The last artist of the night is kik0thek1ller, and I've added her last image that features Amy Wong in a quite cool style, kinda retro, kinda more comic (and dedicated to a friend of here named DMajorBoss) that you don't wanna miss. Enjoy and read you soon!
by JavieR / April 8, 2011 / 01:11
 Hi. Is time for another fan stuff update, since I need to catch up with the images made by the fans. Tonight, I want to start with 14 new images created by the nice Gulliver63, featuring many different situations... crossovers like The planet of the Bureaucrats, the Morganettes, Mrogan Procstone (from the Flinstones) and Morgan as Leia with Jabba (from Star Wars). There are also 2 images featuring Leela as a cat, hunting the PE crew and also Zapp & Kif as fish inside a fishbowl; Two images of Amy and Master Xirasol (an OC in Gulliver63's fanfic). There are others more like one featuring St. Patrick's Day 2011.
 The other artist of today featuring 2 wallpapers, is MissFuturama. She created this images in high resolution, and with her permission I added the wallpaper versions of 2 of that neat images. The first one is Leela's eye reflecting Fry where both have been fighting. The other is an epic shippy image of Fry and Leela that has great coloring and execution. Both have the usual Full HD, Wide and Fullscreen resolutions. Enjoy!!
by JavieR / April 5, 2011 / 00:55
 Hello! It iss nice to be back over here. I've been around, but no so frequently. Today, is fanart night once again, and I would like to start with this cool girl named SuperPrincessPink, that has created 14 new images, featuring Fry in all of her images. Some of them show Fry alone, other show the double headed Fry, 2 crossovers (one with pokemon, other with Fry as a doogy) and some of the images are the ones that many people will find kinda weird. Take a look of her latest fanart and have some fun.
 The other artist of the night is mej073, with 13 new of his usual sexy to kinda naughty images, featuring Leela and Amy mostly in different outfits. Some crossovers like Leela and Green Lantern or Snow White are nice, others are sexy like Leela in a 1 piece swimsuit or Amy with a mini skirt. The other ones are kinky ones with Leela as a maid or in dominatrix suits. The quality of the fanart is very good, so please take a look and judge by yourself.
I'll try to update more often (I always say that) but my job keeps me busy... I'll be around facebook and twitter, so you can catch the latest Futurama news there.
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