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by JavieR / August 25, 2011 / 01:26
3 is a crowd (3 headed Fry)  by SuperPrincessPinkHello people. I've not been around.. I'm sorry, I've a lot of stuff to do in my job. It is time for new fanart, and this time, I'm going to start with a girl named SuperPrincessPink and her latest 10 images. The arts feature many situations with Fry.. tired, with a mini pony, injured, planking, with his frydog.. and other images like a 300/Sparta parody, kissed by a girl, one with Fry from Universe 1, hugging with another Fry, and even a triple-headed Fry.

I've also added 12 new images created by Alanquest. The fanart features many comic cover parodies with many situations, from Leela and Fry fighting giant ants.. to a cover of the most weird robot in the Futurama universe.. the hair-bot. There are also parodies of Harry Potter, Dr. House and Pocket Monsters, and finally, a nice background with the Planet Express ship.

The Real Sting by AlanquestAnother stuff for today is some great 3D art by Alanquest. I've added 4 of his images, featuring a crash of the Planet Express ship with Leela, Fry and Bender, the crew singing Fry's Dumb Animal Song (with lyrics), a complete layout of Professor Farnsworth in 3D and finally, featured today, the scene of the Real Sting.. that is what really happened in the ship when Leela was attacked by the Baby Bee.

Finally, here you go the video preview of this thursday episode "6acv24- Cold Warriors". Watch it meatbags.. I mean the episode.. this Thursday at 10pm/9c only on Comedy Central:

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