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by JavieR / August 18, 2011 / 21:42
Deathball Leela by Y2WHi. I've not updated a lot around here, I've been dealing with some stuff in my job. In less than 1 hour, the new Futurama episode will air, "6acv18 - The Tip of the Zoidberg"... don't forget to watch!!! I want to start this update with a new fanart by Y2W featuring Leela in her Deathball uniform.. the image has great detail and Y2W style that looks very good. It is a high quality image, 'm sure you'll not be disappointed.

Some other fanart I added was created by Gulliver63. I've added 13 of his images, some of them featuring the crew as centaurs.. and even Marge Simpson as a pegasus (with younger Fry, Leela and the Professor riding her). 2 realistic portraits of Amy and Leela. The crossover include Johnny Quest, Harry Potter and Iron Man. Some other good images are also there.

Realistic Bender by CMC IllustrationThe final artist of the day is CMC Illustration with 4 amazing realistic Futurama portraits. The images that you'll find include Fry, Leela, Dr. Zoidberg and Bender (the last one is my favorite of this series). There's also the sketch of each art, that makes a total of 8 images! I really recommend you to check out those images, great stuff from a Futurama fan to the rest of the world!
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