Thanks to Svip, the man behind The Infosphere, The Futurama Wiki, we have more info about the upcoming episodes of Season 6. I'm talking about the possible names of the first 8 Futurama Season 6 episodes (apparently since those 8 ones are the only copyrighted in Dic-2009)
A Clockwork Origin: A parody of Kubrick's Clockwork Orange? Time travel episode?
Attack of the Killer App: Could reffer to the Twitter/iPhone episode (Killer App)
Inspector #5: N/A
Rebirth: The 1st episode of season 6, 6acv01
That Darn Katz!: N/A
The Duh-Vinci (Vince) Code: Like Svip said, this could be the episode of Bender + Vatican + Space Pope
The Late Philip J. Fry: Interesting title, could be an epic Futurama episode
The Prisoner of Benda: Benda.. something about a bending machines prision...
The name of these episodes where found in the Public Catalog from the United States Copyright Office website. Chech the Svip @ PEEL source for more info.