Hi again, is time for some hot images created by two different artists here at TFP. The first one is
Kaspired (Mike Jessen) and the image featured at the right is the Sunday image of a project where he draw one cartoon female character each day with the same outfit (the clone dress), colors and background. The project was named Pin-Up-a-Day (checkout Kaspired's
deviantArt gallery for the rest of the days). Of course, Leela was the chosen one for the last day of the project, and I can assure you that this image worth to be seen in full size.

The other sexy art of today comes from another great artist, I'm talking about Freako aka
FuturamaFreak1. He created a very sexy Leela
pin-up pose inside the Planet Express Ship, over the ship steering wheel to be exact. Freako used a new coloring technique with an airbrush that in my opinion makes that fanart look even more amazing and looks more realistic! This image also deserves a full size view to enjoy, so what are you waiting for? BTW, I've also added another fanart by Freako about the TV reaction guys Futurama style with with Fry, Leela and Bender.