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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / October 31, 2009 / 00:17
Halloween time here at TFP. This is why I was asking to you people to send your Halloween/Futurama fan stuff for a special feature today, and here we go!

It just won't stay dead
It just won't stay dead by TheFightingMoongoses
Created by TheFightingMongooses, this fanart features Bender trying to murder Dr. Zoidberg. Tried with a knife, a dart, an arrow and other obkects, but not it didn't acomplish his objetive. In the image, Bender is going to try with a classic element (as Bender would say) to murder someone, a power saw.

Fry's Nightmare
Fry's Nightmare by FuturamaFreak1
A work between FuturamaFreak1 (lineart) and El-Man (coloring) with zombie Leela and zombie Zoidberg attacking Fry. This fanart image has nice details and features a Leela with claws and fanks + Zoidberg with a madman expression!

All Hallows Eve + Evil Concept 1 + Evil Concept 3
All Hallows Eve by Mike Jessen (Kaspired) Evil Concept 1 by Mike Jessen (Kaspired) Evil Concept 3 by Mike Jessen (Kaspired)
Three halloween images with extrange concepts are the contribution of Mike Jessen (Kaspired) to this feature. The 1st one has a spider Leela attaking Fry. The 1st evil concept image features Evil Leela with an axe. The 3rd evil concept is interesting but disturbing for someone, Leela and Amy with no heads carrying Hermes and Zoidberg decapitated heads

Bender Pumpkin Carving!
Bender Pumpkin Carving by Aaron Chancey
These photos by Aaron Chancey where aded earlier over here, but is a great Bender work over a pumpkin that deserves a feature today. A very well done and detailed Bender!

Nightmare in NNYC + The Leelaven
2 Halloween fanfics by DSS for all of you to enjoy today. A Nightmare in NNYC is a Nightmare on Elm Street, Futurama style. The Leelaven parodies Edgar Allen Poe's poem, "The Raven", with Leela as the Raven
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