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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / August 11, 2009 / 14:12
Thanks to @emilyooo from Twitter, there'a already a person with real photos of the Futurama Complete Collection with the Bender Head case, that was sold at exclusively at the San Diego Comic Con 2009, but that it could be available for everyone in October, 2009 according to some previous news...

The person is droidguy1119, and he added a some photos of the vase to the LiveJournal community page, 3 of them (click the photo for a bigger one):

Futurama Complete Collection: Bender Head FrontFuturama Complete Collection: Bender Head open backFuturama Complete Collection: Bender Head 19 DVDs

Now, we can all see that the Bender head is in fact that, a Bender head! The main characteristic is the fact that the 19 DVDs (the 4 Seasons and 4 Movies) are there but only the discs, no boxes, and all the DVDs fit in the Bender Head nicely (in my opinion).

Other interesting fact is that the discs have exclusive images, different than the older ones in the individual seasons or movies.

For more images, including the package box and other details please visit the LiveJournal page.
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