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by JavieR / August 2, 2009 / 23:57
Hi everyone. I think we can all breath again, the voice cast problem is over, although I still wanna know what will happen with the supporting cast voices.

Well, down to the important part, the fanart! I've added 3 new images by a new artist around here. I'm talking about ckrower, and she was the one that created a banner supporting the cast, that was available in the Support the Futurama Voice Cast page.. and I've also added 2 fanarts more, one of Fry (saying: drugs are for loosers..), and the other is a nice had-in-a-jar self portrait.

Speechless Leela and Talking Amy by Mike Jessen (Kaspired)The other artist today is a clool friend, Mike Jessen (Kaspired). I've added 4 of his fanarts, one features Fry hugging Angelinajoliegirl (from dA) and a portrait of Leela against the wall, other features a very sexy image of Leela and Amy nude and offering a carwash with Scruffy watching them. The arts featured today are the before and after of the Futurama Voice Cast drama with Fox, Leela without her mouth (or voice and later, Amy with her mouth (or voice).
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