Hi again. I was gonna update TFP yesterday, but, I've been busy and my Internet was not working corectly
in the past 2 days. I've uploaded a new Fanfic created by Meagan called Haircuts,
Teleporting, and Homicidal Snails (Part 2), that is as you can see the 2nd and final part of her fanfic,
be sure to check it out. There's also new fanart by Yume93, this
time with 7 new images featuring Bender and the Robot devil, Fry alone, Leela and Fry, and Zapp + Fry
(I still find that subject very disturbing).. The last but not least is a group of 6 new Buddie Icons
created by MissusPatches, with images featuring Leela and
the Robot Devil,or the Beelzebot alone. That's all for today, but I'll update very soon.