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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / June 21, 2008 / 09:19
Futurama: Yivo Invasions! Is true... Yivo is invading earth.. TODAY is the first invasion in two cities simultaneously:
  • Boston: in the American Craft Beer Fest. Funky beer festival, sponsored by The Weekly Dig (alternative weekly)
  • Minneapolis: in the Country Splash. 3-Day Outdoor Festival at the Apple River; Features Alan Jackson, LeeAnne Rimes, Trisha Yearwood.
Yivo himself and some Space Babes will be there distributing out-of-this-world items, including T-shirts, tattoos and signed DVDs.. so if you're near those cities, what are you waiting for to meet Yivo? and if you grab an extra copy of the DVD I don't mind if you sent it to me lol..

As you might noticed, the Official Futurama website, www.ILoveBender.com is now updated with more info from the Beast with a Billion Backs, the 2nd movie that we can all enjoy in only 3 days. You can also visit Yivo's profile at Facebook and MySpace, where you'll find more info, multimedia and photos of all the invasions that will occur this upcoming week. Besides, you'll find images, buddy icons and wallpapers of the Movie in the profiles.

I'll let you know about the next Yivo invasions, and don't forget that on June 23 in Philadelphia, a 30-foot-tall Yivo will appear in a Mega-Invasion at the Love Park, where you will have a chance to meet Bender himself and get "Yivo-ized" via green screen, besides the Space Babes and giveaways. Also, in the Chicago Wizard Con (June 27-29) there will be another Yivo Mega-Invasion event throughout the weekend.

Love the Tentacle!
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