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by JavieR / January 27, 2008 / 12:18
UPDATE: The official date is June 24, 2008 (USA). In Europe, the roumour is June 30, 2008 (UK), but there's not an official source yet.

March 18, 2008 looks like the release date of the Futurama Movie 2: The Beast with a Million Backs, according to the Movie page at the IMDb. Now, the title says rumour because there's no Official Press Release yet (let me know if you find one), so the date could vary in my opinion...

So, I've not updated the site with some cool stuff... I'm always kinda busy. first, I've some great art from Yume93 (she's also frygirl), with 8 new images that feature 2 cool leela portraits, 2 images with fry & leela (one is a chibbi), 2 images of fry, a fight between 2 frys for 1 leela, and a pic of the main planet express crew with herself. A new artist around here is the crazy sick pickles. You might have seen her images around the Futurama Community, so I've added today 10 of her arts, featuring some greate leela images, some from the pe crew, including one of amy, and... soon you'll see the rest.

BTW, recently I found out about this site 001100010010011110100001101101110011.com... the URL kills me :D
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