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by JavieR / January 7, 2008 / 23:19
Sorry for the late update this new year, I hope everyone has a good 2008. I'm ending some important stuff, so you'll not see so frequent updates this month. I found an article from PressMediaWire.com where it says that adult swim had achieved its most watched week of the year 2007 with the Futurama Marathon that lasted five days (December 26 to 30, 11 pm to 6 am)... part of the article says:

"Adult Swim set its 2007 record for the highest weekly delivery of adults 18-34 (510,000), men 18-34 (347,000), adults 18-49 (651,000) and men 18-49 (427,000). The on-air event also claimed 17 of the top 50 shows of the week among adults 18-34. As a result, Adult Swim will close 2007 once again ranking #1 among all basic cable for weekly total day delivery of adults 18-34, adults 18-24, men 18-34 and men 18-24"

That means a lot I think, because it will not air again in Cartoon Network for a long time.

In other stuff I've found, since June 24, 2007, Simon Jansen has been building a Beer Brewing Bender, and today January 7, 2008, you can see it finished with the final product, some fine Bendërbrau: Cold-Fusion Steam Beer, over here http://www.asciimation.co.nz/bender/. Well, that's all for today.
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