Suspension points... I use them a lot, have you noticed? Well, maybe that's because many of the times I dunno if
end a sentence or... getting the picture?. Well, that's not the point of this update, although it could be a nice discussion.
Let's go with the important stuff. Today I've uploaded 03 images by Lee.
This one is about Phillip J. Fry, that is
featured in every single scan, one from a Futurama Calendar (not really sure, and if I'm right, I missed the year), other from
the cover of the "Monster Robot Maniac Fun Collection" DVD, and the last one has Fry's head on Amy's body
from the episode "01ACV04 - Put Your Head On My Shoulder". Now, I was working in a small animation (not Futurama
related, I'll receive royalties for this one :D...I hope... :?) that is actually done, but I now that
I'm gonna have to change something of it later.