Since I've been kinda lazy this weekend, I've not created something new by myself, but, thanks to Kazia, I contributed
in one of her wallpapers, that features Fry stuck on your desktop. The original image was to
small to be a wallpaper, so I re-scaned Kazia's image and I think it looks kinda cool. The other wallpaper was made exclusively
by Kazia, and features Bender smoking a cigar, she said that she doesn't remember the episode, and neither I remember where that
Bender image appears. You'l find the first wallpaper in all the possible resolutions, and the second one in 800x600 and
1024x768 pixels. BTW, tyhe title has nothing to do with this update or Futurama, I was just watching the first season of the
Thundercats on DVD, and you know that is also a damn good show!