I'm truly and deeeply sorry for not been able to update TFP. It has been more than a full week, because like the
title says, nightmares are real. I've been doing some CD demos and they had to be done by this past Wednesday.
The problem was that I had to do many stuff for each CD, furthermore, I have my University stuff. Today I
uploaded not one but two wallpapers. The first one that I'll mention is a
rehash, well, not exactly, is kinda the same. Is the wallpaper featuring the Suicide Booth from the First Episode
of the Series, that it was only available as a scan in one of my past updates. The secon one is far old than the
first one, but I don't know why that hell I didn't upload. This one was made by Hobo, featuring Zoidy dancing
in a Mushroom field. Once again, sorry for the lack of updates around here.