Finally, finally I can update TFP. I've been quite busy with my studies and I've been writing the TSPi and the SRS of
a project. These days the downloads server was down, I don't know if the downloads are again available
(because I haven't test them!) but if the problem persists please be patient. Today I finished (bullshit, I made it 3 days ago but
like I said, I didn't have time) the new Wallpaper that I made features Beelzebot and Fry from the episode,
if I can remember well... "04ACV18 - The Devil's Hands Are Idle Palythings". I spent a normal amount of time on this one, but the result
was better that I expected. Please take a look at it because is available from the 800x600 to the 1600x1200 pixels resolutions.
I'm gonna sleep, is 00H00 here and I have classes at 07H00... and forget about the title of the update, I was out of ideas. Chao.