News Archive
January, 2011
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by JavieR / January 25, 2011 / 23:21
 I'm back everyone, and I've nice stuff for you today. First, I wanna start with 4 new fanarts created by TheFightingMongooses, that feature this time.. Spaceship Bender, Leela in a pink dress and Professor Farnsworth looking like a pimp... did you guess the episode, no? 3 images of course from the Futurama Emmy winning episode "Roswell that ends Well". The last, and featured image is a very cute Leela in a nice looking dress, and the title is: Absolut.
 The other artist today is Nightmare-from-Hell, with 2 neat images she created. The first one is a Leela portrait in a different simpler style, and the other features a chibi version of Fry and Leela, and it was made because of the Series return, so is a nice shippy image. I really like the last image mentioned, because it is a watercolor painting or something similar.. and has a crazy background!
The last stuff added today are 2 photos in the photorama section. The first one was created by FuturamaFreak1 (Freako) with his Xmas card made from one of his fanarts. The second one is very awesome, is the real version of the Lego Fry and Leela that Kaspired created only as a drawing.
by JavieR / January 20, 2011 / 12:44
 Hi. I somehow forgot to add this, but is time to let you know about the list of new episode names of the upcoming Futurama season, that will air in the summer of 2011 on Comedy Central (there's no official release date yet).
Some of the names were already mentioned in a previous update and also the episode 6acv24 - Cold Warriors name, but there you go the full list:
As you might noticed, the production codes are 6acv.. that means that are part of 6acv production, but since these episode will be broadcasted a year after the first 13 ones, they will be more known as season 7 (or broadcast season 8, if you count the movies)
Source: Public Catalog (US Copyright Office), The Infosphere
by JavieR / January 16, 2011 / 21:31
Hi again. Time flies when you're busy. This has been a hell of a week, I had to stay working late, doing many things at the same time, and tomorrow I've to be sure everything runs smoothly in my work. Other than that, today I've some time to ad some nice Futurama fan stuff to TFP!
 First, here you go 8 new fanarts created by a good friend, Kaspired. Between the images you'll find one of 2 hot mutans from Brown University at the NNYC sewers, a Lego version of Fry and Leela (very awesome), 3 colab images featuring Nibbler, nutcracker Bender, and the Time Machine (from the episode "The late Philip J. Fry"). 2 tall women, LaBarbara Conrad in a great pose and Morgan Proctor as a Bee queen. Finally, featured today, Dr. Widnar from the episode "A Clockwork Origin".
 The other artist from today is also a good friend, he calls himself Gulliver63 (haha). I'm glad to add a stunning number: 17 new images he created, featuring many many different situations. As you know, he is used to create crossovers with movies, arts and novels, like The Odyssey (Leela is the inspiration of the cyclops), Welcome to the Village, The "Krokers" Wedding, Sports Universe magazine, Manga-rama, and the 90 Foot Bureaucrat (featured today).
2 Happy New Year 2011 images (one featuring Zapp) that I forgot to upload earlier (sorry). Also, a couple of "put your head on my shoulder" images with couples like Amy and Leela, and well, the other is a character from SuperPrincessPink.. the double-Fry!
There's an original character called Turanga Sara (daughter of Fry and Leela), Teenager Leela, and Mom as an Amazoinan. The last 3 ones from Gulliver62 are the "Zapp Daddy" series, where we can see Zapp Jr. in a couple of the images (in one, he is bulling Kif Jr.) and one of the daughter from Zapp and Morgan Proctor.
I guess that's all for today, I've get up early tomorrow, so... good night! (if it applies to your current time)
by JavieR / January 10, 2011 / 23:01
 Is this the time when I've a little more time and I can update TFP... well.. yes! It's even better when you add new fanart from a new artist that loves the series like we do. Please give a big welcome to Nightmare-from-Hell. She has created some neat Futurama images, some of them are very shippy ones, so you'll find 2 chibi versions of Fry and Leela... one with Leela saaving Fry and the other as a cute couple. There's also a chibi Leela alone (Sugary Lil' Leela), a Halloween pic of Leela and Zoidberg as zombies.. and Zoidberg is eating Amy's arm. Finally, the pic featured looks awesome and is a true shippy love image of Fry and Leela in an awesome style.
 Another artist from tonight is Tastes-Like-Fry and features a funny image from one of the best Futurama episodes in my opinion.. "Time keeps on Slippin'". The image is from the moment that Fry offers his "time shelter" to Leela and the quote from Fry: "When we're together in here baby... time will stand still". Finally, we have a naughty fanart from Misty Waters, featuring Leela spanking Fry because he has been a bad delivery boy. Have fun!
by JavieR / January 4, 2011 / 00:10
Hello. This is (was supposed to be) the last update of the year 2010 the first update of 2011, but I think 2010 has been one of the best for Futurama in a long time, since the series finally returned to TV after the Fans worked so hard by not giving up and by buying Futurama stuff around the world. Even with problems, like the voice actors "re-cast" (and because of that, none of them appeared at the SDCC 2010) that was finally solved, Futurama is now alive, at least until 2011.
 I've some neat stuff for you from some of the fans that made Futurama survive all these years. I would like to start with TheFightingMongooses and 5 of his fanarts. This time, you'll find some great images, like an epic image of Bender, Fry and Leela confronting the tornadoes from episode "6acv04 - Proposition Infinity", Bender the mystery tracer, a cute Zoidberg, an old version of Zapp Brannigan from the first Futurama sketches, and finally, a poster featuring the old versions of the characters from all the sketches made to conceive the ones we love today in a poster called "Doomsville".
 You can also check out 6 new images by a girl named SuperPrincessPink, with fanart that features her classic double-headed Fry in different situations like sleeping, Fry sad in jail, Fry sleeping, a drawing of Leela, Bender, Nibbler and 2 headed Fry and a cute Fry smiling.
The last one of today is Leela's Loyal Slave with a Leela holding Flik from "A Bug's Life" because he says that Leela loves every living creature... which he guess would include Bugs!
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