PUNY HUMANS, USE ![]() by JavieR / December 31, 2009 / 15:14
What a better way to say goodbye to the year 2009 than with an amazing new Futurama/Space Invaders game for all of you to enjoy. That's right, Oktay "Shinobi" Akbulut created an amazing game, revamping a the famous classic arcade videogame Space Invaders, designed by Tomohiro Nishikado back in 1978. Here you go an example of the game:
As you can see, the game was inspired also by the Futurama episode "3avc18 - Antology of Interest II: What if life were more like a video game?". You'll find dialogs of the episode that are very funny while you play it. This revamp also features a 3D version of the game, with a nice background and different spaceships (even the Planet Express ship helps you sometimes). I've to admit that the game is very addictive.. and I'm sure you'll find it great too. Please be sure to download it and play it. Just in case, you only need to unzip it and run the game! Don't forget to visit th creator's website and find more games at www.shinobis-place.de HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!! by JavieR / December 24, 2009 / 20:32
Perhaps is already Xmas in your place, perhaps not yet, anyway, don't forget to close your doors because Robot Santa, Kwanzaa-bot or the Chanukah Zombie (or the 3 together) are coming!!
![]() by JavieR / December 22, 2009 / 23:26
![]() I've also added today, 2 fanart by Sof-Sof. One of the images is about Bender saying that Fry is his meatbag.. kinda awkward, the other features Fry again but this time with Zapp, Bender and Leela.. is a kinda bizarre image. Check them out. I guess that's all for today. by JavieR / December 20, 2009 / 19:28
![]() She was well known for her roles in: Sin City, 8 Mile, Just Married, King of the Hill, Girl.. Interrupted, and many other early movies and series... My deepest condolences to her husband, family and friends. by JavieR / December 16, 2009 / 23:13
![]() This is why I'm very glad to present you with the latest fanart by the unique Cap'n Skusting, an image named Shanghai Shangfu, and features Captain Fry Sparrow and Shanghai Amy, both individually featured in the Cap'n Skusting's gallery years ago, but now together for all of you to enjoy, 3 years after the 1st scketch! I've also added a new image created by Leela's Loyal Slave that features the Robot Devil palying his golden fiddle (the one used to compete for Bender's soul in episode "1acv09 - Hell is other Robots"). That's all, have a nice day! by JavieR / December 15, 2009 / 23:00
Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been seaching for a new AGP video card (I know, is old) because I my current video card is kinda dead. I've started today with some fanart by Pong123. The images feature the Gender Bender, Bender riding the Crab (aka Dr. Zoidberg) and the final one... Fry, Leela and Professor Farnsworth in a band. Enjoy!
![]() That's all for today, I'll try to update tomorrow! by JavieR / December 10, 2009 / 19:33
Hello once again. I've been lazy, that's why the site has not been updated. Right now, checking the list of fan stuff that I've to add, I'm gonna start with some nice fanfics. 2 new fanfics created by DSS, this time with the main theme: Shippy. The 1st one is called A Shy Fry - Leela now has a full interest in Fry, but Fry all of the sudden feels shy when Leela is around. What could Leela do about this? and the second one is called Pool Party Shock - Planet Express is having their first Pool Party. Everyone is excited, especially Fry and Leela. But the both of them will soon find themselves in an embarrassing situation that they hope no one will see!. BTW, both stories are actually related. They're the first 2 parts of a 4-parter Fry/Leela Shippy Story.
![]() by JavieR / December 6, 2009 / 15:17
Hello people, I'm glad to be back around here! I had problems with my main PC again, but hey, have you noticed the new Xmas layout of TFP, red , with snow in the background and with a Xmas character at the top. I hope you enjoy the Xmas skin this December.
![]() The other artist here this day is Sof-Sof (Yume93) with a new Fry image of Fry called: "Other side". It features Fry with an evil shadow of himself, like a some sort of joker. by JavieR / December 1, 2009 / 15:10
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