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January, 2009
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by JavieR / January 31, 2009 / 23:26
 In the 36th Annual Annie Awards celebrated yesterday, the second Futurama movie, the Beast with a billion Backs won for Best Home Entertainment Production (The Curiosity Co. in association with 20th Century Fox Television), all the nominees in the same category:
- Batman: Gotham Knight - Warner Bros. Animation
- Christmas Is Here Again - Easy To Dream Entertainment in association with Renegade Animation
- Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs - The Curiosity Company in association with 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
- Justice League: The New Frontier - Warner Bros. Animation
- The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning - DisneyToon Studios
Like it happened before with the 1st movie, Bender's Big Score, Futurama receives again another Annie Award, that according to Wikipedia, are "designed to celebrate lifetime or career contributions to animation in the fields of producing, directing, animation, design, writing, voice acting, sound and sound effects.". The big Winner of the night was Kung Fu Panda with 11 awards including Best Animated Feature... all the winners at the Annie Awards For your Consideration page.
by JavieR / January 31, 2009 / 20:43
 Is true, people from New York and the near areas, you can watch the World Premiere of the
last Futurama Movie, Into the wild Green Yonder. Where? 2009 New York
Comic Con ( Jacob Javits Center, NY)
When? Friday, February 6, 2009 at 5:30 PM. If you can, visit
the original article and don't forget to ask for more info to the
New York Comic Con people.
In other news about the last Futurama movie, there is a new review from the people of
DVDTimes.co.uk, where they say that: "None of the Futurama films have been sparse when
it comes to extras but there's a slight whiff of padding in some of those here, so it's fortunate
that the main feature is strong enough to make this worth your time." and they rate the movie
with a 7/10. Check the full DVDTimes.co.uk article for more details of the movie (spoliers).
Also, an earlier review of the same movie from DVDActive.com, that I forgot to post earlier has
many many spoilers and screenshots, but in their words: "Not as good as Benders Big Score for me,
but more satisfying than Beast with a Billion Backs and Bender's Game. Into the Wild Green Yonder
felt a little more like good ol' Futurama, even if it never reached the heights of the shows grander
episodes (oh, and it looks glorious in HD too)." They don't give a rating to the movie..
the full DVDActive.com article is over here.
by JavieR / January 30, 2009 / 11:14
Hello, and sorry for the lack of updates, I've been working in some stuff that I had to finish for
today. Get, ready because here's a preview scene from the last movie, Into the Wild Green
Yonder, thanks to the people from the Telegraph.co.uk:
So, what do you think. In my opinion, is a kinda cool scene, and has some nice gags + we can see some of
the powers Fry has (acording to some spoilers). Please don't forget to visit the original
Telegraph.co.uk article and also, don't forget to preorder your copy of Into the Wild Green Yonder and help TFP in the process :).
by JavieR / January 25, 2009 / 21:04
 Hello again people. I've been sick this weekend.. a hell of a flu with fever and all the other
discomforts, but I'm kinda better now, so is time to update TFP.
Is time to present a new artist around here, from Argentina, please welcome
mr35mm. I've uploaded
five or his images, featuring Leela and Fry in a shippy pic, talking about shippy, there's another
featuring Amy and Kif. The other fanarts include Fry and Bender, Amy surfing and the one
featured today with Zapp and Leela... all of them have an interesting style that you should not miss.
In other news, there's already another early review of the last Futurama movie, Into
the Wild Green Yonder (Blu-Ray), this time from the people of DVDActive.com. According to them, the movie is
second after Bender's Big Score.. and they say the rating is 7/10.. over there, you'll find many
many spoiers and info about the extras, so be sure to visit the DVDActive.com article.
BTW, I just say that IGN made a Top 100 of all the Animated Series.. well, Futurama is #8
from 100 cartoons.. be sure to check out the whole IGN Top 100.
by JavieR / January 22, 2009 / 23:49
 Is time for another update. I am sure the title of today attracted many of you, so I'm not
gonna let you down. Mike Jessen
was kind enough to create an exclusive image for TFP, that I uploaded today, simultaneously
with another 9 of his fanarts. The image fetured today is Leela with a sexy green bikini as you
can see, but you also will find Leela in other situations like fixing a satellite, working,
gardening, in a classic way and a other very revealing one; There's also Amy fishing, as a
cyborg, as a Star Trek character, and an almost nude Amy if not for the black bar generator
inspired by the episode "3ACV16 - A Leela Of Her Own".
by JavieR / January 20, 2009 / 23:12
 Ok, I'm a little behind updating the site, but these days I really had to get some work done.
Today I have some nice stuff for you, starting with MissusPatches, that has created 4 amazing new
arts featuring Leela with Zoidberg (another weird couple), a treesome with Bender, Leela and
Zoidberg (I can see the visitors ending here when they were searching for something else), a collab of
her with BananaBlue featuring the
Iron Cook challenge between Bender and Larry 3000.. and finally, featured today, a great image of the
humanized Robot Dvil with excellent colors and background, be sure to check it out!.
I also added 2 new fanarts by Michel
that feature the so called yaoi between Fry and Zapp (a disturbing idea leaded by
Frygirl aka Yume93, you know, because of the kiss
between Leela and Amy in BG).
That's all for now, but be sure to come back, some more neat fanart nicluding an exclusive TFP image is
coming this way.
by JavieR / January 16, 2009 / 23:51
 Hello people.. I was gonna update yesterday, but there was a huge blackout in my country so,
I'm back now with my pc in order to update TFP. Today, I've some stuff, starting with
one photo from ProfessorZoidy
featuring Leela and Fry (Toynami action figures).. also
a new fanart also
by her, is Leela with a neat coloring.
I've also added four new 3D images by
Jumara, 3 featuring the
Tundercougardfalconbird and one of the Project Satan (featured today) from the episode
"2AVC18 - The Honking"..
In other news, if you're from France maybe you didn't notice, but
France is giving away 6
DVDs from the 3rd Futurama movie, Bender's Game.. you only have to answer a
quiz correctly until february 4, 2009.
by JavieR / January 12, 2009 / 12:27
 There's another (the second) review of the 4th DVD Movie, Into
the Wild Green Yonder. The people from DenOfGeek.com has an early copy of the
Blu-Ray disc and it says there that the movie is "Not the best outing to date, but at least better
than average.".. I've not seen the movie yet, but I'll like to know what's better than more Futurama
There are some extras are a little more explained:
- Matt Groening and David X. Cohen in Space: Describes what happened when Matt and David
went into a Zero G plane and just how much fun it was
- Docudramarama: "How We Make Futurama So Good". This is quite a funny spoof
that is obviously meant to parody the normal "Making Of" featurette that most DVDs incorporate.
- Golden Stinkers: [..] This is the usual deleted scenes, and to be honest, some of
them should have been in the movie - especially the extended version of the ship painting scene
- Zapp Brannigan's Guide to Making Love at a Woman: Hilarious in many places, this is
short and sweet. It made me wince in places, which is always good humour.
- 3D Models with Animator Discussion: [..] it shows just how much of the movie uses
3D computer generated models and how complex some of them are
- Benders Theatre Etiquette [..] this is a completely pointless and predictable
animation. Sorry - but it is
So, some of them look good, the other not so good, but you have to watch the extras yourself to agree
or desagree.. I personally need to see the movie, extras and all the other stuff by myself.. but
is kinda interesting to have this early review. Don't forget to read the
whole DenOfGeek.com article where you can find spoilers and more information.
by JavieR / January 11, 2009 / 21:43
 Hello everyone. I've been lazy this weekend, besides playing football (soccer) today, I've done
nothing productive, until now. Today's update has stuff from 2 people. The first stuff is from
Red_Line (aka Tim) that kindly sent me a fanfic
named Michelle Shock
that won 2nd place in the 2008 TSFFC writing
competition, the plot:
Fry and Leela have been happily married for almost three years and are expecting their first
child. But when a pregnant Michelle shows up at Planet Express claiming Fry is the father, it
falls to Bender to try to prove his innocence.
Be sure to check it out!
The other person over here today is Tastes-Like-Fry, with 2 new
fanarts, featuring her original character, Lucy Fry (Fry and Leela's daughter) in two situations.
One learning card tricks from Bender, and the other bugging Fry and Bender while playing videogames.
by JavieR / January 9, 2009 / 23:58
 True, I've new fanart to show you today, this time by a new artist around here, please welcome
Mike Jessen (a.k.a. kaspired).. and
nine images created by him. This artist has nice ideas, like Leela and Nibbler on a boat,
a wird looking Leela and why not a knocked down Leela (like he says, something you don't see
very often) or a naked Leela inside a giant martini. Other images feature Amy in her cowgirl and gym suit,
a sexy Leela in bikini, Cloberella, and the last one featured today, the Planet Express crew
with a nice painting style.
Be sure to check it out, and visit don't forget to Mike Jessen's deviantART page.
by JavieR / January 8, 2009 / 17:36
 The 3rd Futurama Movie, Bender's Game, received and award by the Digital Entertainment Group as one of the movies with a Creative Excellence Award, this info according to HomeMadiaMagazine.com... the full list includes:
- The DEG Theatrical DVD Title of the Year
- The DEG Catalog DVD Title of the Year
- Touch of Evil: 50th Anniversary Edition
- The DEG TV DVD Title of the Year
- The Sopranos: The Complete Series
- The DEG Direct to DVD Title of the Year
- The DEG Music DVD Title of the Year
- The DEG Blu-ray Disc Title of the Year
Bender's Big Score also received Direct to DVD Title of the Year and the Carbon-Neutral DVD Release of the Year ( informed by TFP this past year ;] ) from DEG previously. You can see all winners of the DEG 2009 Reception Awards in the original Home Media Magazine article.
by JavieR / January 5, 2009 / 16:45
 From the episode 2ACV07, Put Your Head on my Shoulder:
Salesman: Spotted her the minute you walked in, didn't you,
sir? She's a real beauty.
Fry: Yup, she's beautiful coffee alright.
Salesman: No, the Ford Thundercougarfalconbird! Nothing makes you feel more like
a man than a Thundercougarfalconbird. So how much were you thinking of spending on this
Fry: Sorry, I'm not here to buy.
Salesman: I understand, and it's wonderful you don't care whether anyone
questions your sexual orientation.
Fry: I care! I care plenty! I just don't know how to make them stop!
Salesman: One word: Thundercougarfalconbird!
That's the scene that Jumara, a new artist around here
used to create two amazing 3D images featuring the Ford Thundercougarfalconbird.
One featured here, and the other of the Thundercougarfalconbird hovering in the city. Also, be
sure to come back for a full Flash website featuring the Thundercougarfalconbird!.
In other news, I'm having problems with my home ISP (Internet Provider), meanwhile
you may not see many updates.
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