News Archive
March, 2006
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by JavieR / March 29, 2006 / 09:33
Of course, why not... I mean, this website is alive for about (...counting...) 5½ Years... so I decided
to update the Past Designs section. Now, I've uploaded all the designs of TFP (again),
but this time is actually updated, from the first one to the one you're watching right now. I had to create
CSS files for the first 3 designs (from the 2nd to the 4th), because those where made using Frontpage and had a
lot of garbage code. The rest of the designs are now online (because I never uploaded the last 2 designs).
Ok, that's it... gotta go!
by JavieR / March 24, 2006 / 19:33
 Time for a new update around here!... I know, but I've been busy with the next site layout... I had an idea
for that new design so I wanted to create it before I forget it (...about 60% done by now) Thisnew design
is gonna be best viewed at 1024x768 or better resolutions, because of some technical stuff.
Ok, today's udate features a new Wallpaper created by me ;D. This one,
features the funny and incompetent Dr. John Zoidberg, having a meal at the back of the Planet Express
Building <geek>I wonder why you can find garbage in the Future, when in other episodes, they say that
everything is recycled. </geek> A Geek moment brought to you by Molter Boron. ...nevermind that,
the wallpaper is available in the more common resolutions, so take a look!
by JavieR / March 19, 2006 / 11:09
 Sounds funny... the title! Damn I forget about things and stuff... I should have upload these a lot
earlier, but since I've been slightly busy, like I said, I forgot! There you go, for your enjoy,
2 new images for the Pixel Art section create by me,
JavieR :P. The images feature
Amy 2 (A inproved version of Amy, createt by y1ng) and the
one featured over here, the Purple Fruit Snake (also featured on this website's top of the page).
by JavieR / March 18, 2006 / 18:53
 Time for a new update around here... is true, and this time I've received not one or two or three but four
new arts by a new artist around here, but is known because I made two scans based on her drawings. I'm talking
about Palmbeacher, and there you go, four arts featuring Leela
in all of them. One called "Leela in Wonderland", the other three featuring a Mermaid Leela called
"Project Calm" and "Leela and Zapp" (both feturing a different version of Zapp) and the last
one called "Unknown Suitor", featured on this update. Check them out, the images have great colors and
cool themes.
by JavieR / March 15, 2006 / 11:09
 That's right! Creating an image only in pixels is an old school art, that's why today's update is
mean to be regarding Pixel Art. A new artist is around here,
and she has created some cool Pixel Art, featuring the main Characters of the series, let me
introduce all of you to y1ng. You'll great Pixel Art
feturing Amy, Bender, Fry, Hermes, Leela, Nibbler, The Professor and Dr. Zoidberg (Alphabetical order :P).
Please enjoy...
by JavieR / March 13, 2006 / 22:26
 Itches, itches...!!! I put some Caladryl in my feet, but is not working out, crap!!!. Ok, I'm gonna upload a new art
created by a well known artist, Lee Roberts. His new art features 'Leela
- The Tence' made in his own style. Now, I like this one because of Leela's expression and because of the nice shading.
Ok, what else... I'm gonna go to my phone company to ask about a ADSL internet connection... I want good news and not a
"We're sorry, but the service is not yet available in your sector" crap!!, so, wish me luck.
by JavieR / March 12, 2006 / 07:49
 I'm back from my trip. I went to build houses for poor (only in money, because there are many other kinds of being pour, if you know
what I mean) people of my country. I'm over here again, but the mosquitos ate me alive, I've counted 80 stings only in my arms... but
well, it was for a good cause. Ok, around here, what's new... ok, a new buch of icons is here, this time featuring the
aliens. Gedeon Maheux from The Icon Factory created this and the previous two
group of icons featuring the Futurama characters. Ok, I'm gona sleep now.
by JavieR / March 5, 2006 / 21:48
 Ok fellas, is time for a new update around here. I was kinda busy with some Flash menu I was doing,
nut now I can give you something new. Is time for a new section, this time, called the
Pixel Art section. Now, this section is about pixels. Any
Futurama art or emotes made pixel by pixel will go right here, that's why I've already created 3
Futurama Pixel Arts, featuring a BrainSlug, the Slurm Truck (my current avatar at deviantArt)
and the Suicide Booth. In other news, I'll be offline for about a week, and I'll return around here
the next Sunday...
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