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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / December 30, 2003 / 10:01
We a re about a day until the year 2004 and I finally can update TFP. If you didn't saw updates here it was because I had no access to the Web since December 25th. Today I have a new bunch of submitted scans, this time thanks to Lee Roberts. The images feature Amy, Leela, Fry, Bender and the rest of the crew in just one picture. I hope the problems with the tfp.killbots.com server can be solved quickly, meanwhile, you'll have to visit this site more often :S
by JavieR / December 24, 2003 / 22:56
This design was supposed to be showed at the real host, but.........
This is a last time update (is not the last time I'll update, BTW) because as you can see, I made a 2-days layout for this especial holiday. This design doesn't have a lot of Futurama images but I like it. I don't know if I'm gonna keep it as a new design or not. I also some XP/MSN Icons made by Kinesis, 2 new ones featuring Morgan Proctor. I was going to upload @bofr's Comic Maker here but this host doesn't allow to upload or run Flash Animations (*.SWF).
Merry Xmas!!!
by JavieR / December 22, 2003 / 08:40
SORRYx10100 = A lot of sorry's. I should have updated earlier, I now I've been careless about TFP, but sometimes I'm just to tired, maybe because I've been a little sick.... I decided to make a new wallpaper related with this Xmas season. This one features Robot Santa, the Planet Express Ship and logo, like a magazine propaganda wishing you a Frightening Xmas!. Please look at this one, because I lost an old image (of Santa) while I was creating this wallpaper. I also have to apologize because I didn't made a Xmas design and If I can't update the site in the next three days... Merry Xmas to everyone!
by JavieR / December 17, 2003 / 09:57
In fact, I've uploaded some content to the temporal host at December 15th, and that means just 2 days :S I think the problem with the host is over (thanks a lot evan!!) so you'll see more updates around here. Today I've uploaded a lot of content. First you'll find 13 new scans of Paul A. Metcalfe, 11 of them that I uploaded earlier in the temporal host and the two last ones he made, one featuring Fry with some boat eggs and the other featuring Leela ripping her clothes next to Amy (thumbnail), both in that cool stroked style. I also uploaded the last Graphic Guide that Jesse Barboza sent some time ago and that is also available in the temporal host. The Guide features the 17th episode of the Second Season "2ACV13 - Bender Gets Made" in a neat double page. bYe°.
by JavieR / December 7, 2003 / 22:01
I'm very sorry about this, I should have updated TFP earlier but between Quito's foundation (Capital of Ecuador) and stupid homework I had no time to upload anything, and if I had some, I was drunk. Enough of this, let's go to the important. Today I've created a new Wallpaper that features Calculon and Colliete (formally known as Bender) from the episode "4ACV13 - Bend Her". I spend some time on it, so please check it out. I've uploaded from 800x600 to 1280x960 pixels of resolution. I almost forgot, I also uploaded a wallpaper made by Paul A. Metcalfe featuring Fry drinking cups of coffee from the episode "4ACV16 - Three Hundred Big Boys" that I poster earlier in the temporal host that BTW, still has some content not uploaded here yet.
by JavieR / December 2, 2003 / 21:11
Man! I've not updated here in a long time, but if you go to the temporal host at http://www.tfpoint.cjb.net you'll see plenty of content that is not here for the moment. TFP has a KB's limit of uploaded content for each month, that's why I can't update the site the rest of the month. Today I've uploaded three Flash Animations. Two that are also available at the temporal host, featuring Bender drinking some beer and Bender in the RobotWash, both made by Chris. The last is a new one that features Robot Santa made by Nicola.
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