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SINCE 1999, MADE IN ECUADOR » flag of ecuador
by JavieR / June 30, 2003 / 07:32
We are in the last day of June and I received some new stuff from a person. Ch!ckuaua is the newest artist of the Submitted Scans section. You'll find five new scans from different episodes featuring Professor Farnsworth, Leela, Fry and Zoidberg. All the scanarts have a "particular coloring" (so smooth) so you have to take a look.
by JavieR / June 29, 2003 / 17:56
No updates in two days...What's going on here?. Well, I was busy with some... stuff, not so important. Today I have two great wallpapers for you. One features "Hippie" Leela, Amy and Zoidberg inside a van, the other features a nice hug between Fry and Leela. Both wallpapers were made by Paul A. Metcalfe from FSAC, the second (see the thumbnail) with the help of FemJesse.
by JavieR / June 26, 2003 / 19:38
If you see the thumbnail then you'll understand today's title. Another weird situation yet a great image made by a great artist named Bofr@. That is one of nine new 3D Images that you'll find in Bofr@'s page, all of them featuring Bender in a lot of different situations like in a temple, with some pizza, shooting (with a laser gun) and some others. byE.
by JavieR / June 24, 2003 / 12:49
Damn, I'm having a little inspiration crisis and that's why I haven't made new stuff for different sections of the site. Don't worry because I believe this is temporal. Today I've uploaded scanart from two artists. Lee Roberts sent me three new images from the episode "The Farnsworth Parabox" that features the Parallel Fry, Scruffy and a teenager Professor. The other artist, Mim, sent two images, one features Fry as a witness (thumbnail) and the other a close-up of the fat human Bender.
by JavieR / June 22, 2003 / 12:17
I know, I know..... I've been uploading a lot of scanart from another artists so today I've uploaded bunch of scans made by Lee. You'll find four new images like that thumbnail of Amy. About the other three, one features Fry and the last two features Leela, one from the "The Farnsworth Parabox" and the other from "Jurassic Bark".
by JavieR / June 20, 2003 / 12:08
Finally I have some spare time. I had a busy week and I'm so tired... fortunately I've finished some scans that I was making. There you go, four new scans from the last episodes. One features Professor Farnsworth from "Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles", one of Bender from the episode "The Sting" and the last two from the newest one... "300 Big Ones".
by JavieR / June 19, 2003 / 13:59
That's correct fellows. Yesterday (is 00H10 here in Ecuador) I had a full day and as you know, humans need to sleep. I've new stuff in the Submitted Scans section. I've added eight images by Lee that features all the crew from the few last episodes. Mim is the other artist with new scans today. You'll find three new images that features Bender, Amy and Leela. I'll sleep only five hours, so I better go to bed. Good night.
by JavieR / June 17, 2003 / 23:41
I feel like shit right now. Yesterday I had a f**king test and it was like crap... damn!. Ok, enough of that, let's go to the important. Since I had that problem with the FTP server, the site was not updated in about a week, that's why today I've uploaded 21 scans made by Beamer. You'll find some of those here ...enjoy. BTW, The Leela Zone it's back with all the content and more. Just use the new address: www.leelazone.com.ar from now on.
by JavieR / June 16, 2003 / 23:16
If you read saturday's update you know why I didn't updated the site yesterday. There's a new wallpaper made by Sara. This background one features Nibbler in a corner of the image. The submitted Scans section was also updated. An artist called Paul A. Metcalfe, I don't know if you've ever hear of him :P, sent me six new scanarts that features Amy (and Aimee), Leela, Fry and Freaksworth. Those are really nice images, check them out. I'm in a hurry so bye!
by JavieR / June 14, 2003 / 23:20
Damn I'm tired. I've been working a long time in a Web Page about some stuff that I don't understand. Is a homework :S that I have to finish by this Monday and I don't know.... Anyway, today I've added some new stuff. The 3D Images section has now seven new pictures made by Bofr@. All the images features Bender in different situations, including one with a time machine and there's another as a Jedi. Now I've to go. If I don't finish as soon as possible I'm in deep shit!.
by JavieR / June 13, 2003 / 15:19
A new update around here (23H00 here in Ecuador). I added a lot of art in the Submitted Scans section from the artists that sent me their stuff when I didn't updated the site because of the problems that you already know. First I've added eleven scanarts by Beamer that you'll find here. The scans feature different episodes. You'll find also three new scans made by Mim and finally, two brand new scans by Uncadave of the Turanga Pages, one of them features a framegraf of Amy from the Futurama DVDs
by JavieR / June 12, 2003 / 23:50
Here it is. Like I said, I was gonna update the site very soon. Today I've only uploaded a very nice wallpaper from the episode called "The Sting". The image features Leela, Amy, the Professor, Hermes and Dr. Zoidberg. I've uploaded the three usual resolutions (800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x960). BTW, this wallpaper is a PNG file so if you have troubles (I don't see how) just let me know. Tomorrow I'll try to upload a lot of stuff that I didn't uploaded in the past week.
by JavieR / June 12, 2003 / 09:50
Almost ten days without an update around here. I thought that it was gonna be more time. I had some problems with the FTP server again. A fu**ing error that didn't let me upload anything. I'm back and you'll see an update very soon.
by JavieR / June 3, 2003 / 09:30
Crapy day for me. I have a Stiff Neck (a temporally ill). I can't turn my head to the left... ouch!! it hurts!. I'm looking the screen in a new perspective :P but I also updated the site today. There's two artists that submitted a lot of images. The first one it's Beamer and he made six new scans featuring Leela, Amy, Fry (like the thumbnail), Bender and the rest of the crew (except Scruffy, the Janitor). The second artist it's Lee Roberts. He made eight scans from different episodes (including the last one) featuring Amy, Leela, Fry Bender and Zoidberg. Visit those by clicking here. Have some fun.
by JavieR / June 1, 2003 / 15:42
Wow. Second update in the same day. A feast is a feast. More an new pictures in the Submited Scans section. This time Paul sent me his two last scanarts. One features Amy wrestling with Leela and the other features Fry with Leela hugged. The sad news are that Sean Blendon from SFPP broken his right arm in about 10 places. Well, I hope you get well soon Sean.
by JavieR / June 1, 2003 / 10:59
New month, new update for everybody. As you saw I've only updated the Submitted Scans section. I'm not making new stuff for the site because I'm kinda busy with my studies and other crap. Let's see, today's artist is Lee Roberts. I've added seven new scanarts featuring Zoidberg, Fry, Leela, Amy, Bender and Lucy Liu's head. Have a look.
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