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by JavieR / September 27, 2001 / 09:34
I've finally fixed the problem with the forms in the contact, need a button and the faq pages. I changed the old Email, so you can re send any comments, requests, and any other crap that you want to send... BTW... I'm very very very busy, It's seems like my teachers enjoy making me think... bye
by JavieR / September 25, 2001 / 21:23
Hi. This was my last weekend as a free person.  I 'm in the University. So I've made two new stamps, the first one of EL Zoido, and the other one of the Known Universe, were the known universe is just  Fry... I still have problems with all the contact forms, so if you need to contact me email me to javier@killbots.com
by JavieR / September 19, 2001 / 23:09
If you tried to contact me in the past week, there's a problem with my Email so I can't reply any information or request from the contact, need a button & faq "FORMS". You can Email me to javier@killbots.com. Bye
by JavieR / September 18, 2001 / 22:02
Hi everyone. I'm "repairing" my computer and I found some old Futurama Wallpapers from Sweeet, NNYC and other gone Web Sites. I've uploaded two of them for today. BTW, I'm going to kill this computer soon, so you may expect more of them later...Bye
by JavieR / September 12, 2001 / 20:05
Hi everyone. Today I uploaded two new scans from the 2002 Futurama Calendar, one of Amy in a Swimsuit and the other of Fry with chewing-gum and a impressive laser weapon (I don't think he knows how to use it!). I added a new buddie, the Futurama Center Ok.. I'm out of here
by JavieR / September 8, 2001 / 07:02
Right here and right now, you must download the new ScreenSaver that I have finished, the FrySaver. At the right>> you can see 4 close ups of the images that I have made. I will try to update the site constantly but I'm busy with some University Crap that can not be handled without my person. I hope you understand and read you soon...
by JavieR / September 3, 2001 / 12:24
Hello people. I've been a little busy with my real life (nothing serious, just some paperwork), but I'm here again bringing you two new stamps, both from the 2002 futurama calendar, one featuring Dr. Zoidberg and the other one of Leela in Zapp's arms. I'm working in another Screen Saver, this time of Fry, so stay tuned... I mean connected... bye
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