PUNY HUMANS, USE ![]() This FanFics were inspired by Futurama, but for no reason that means that TFP wants you to stop watching the show. Please, if you wanna use these at your website, as permission from the respective authors. So Easy A Cave Man Can Do It: Part 1 Author: Steven Gurman [Steven Gurman's Fan Fics] [Fan Fics MAIN] Int. Planet Express Meeting Room (Fry, Bender and Leela are sitting at the Huge Table in the Meeting room. The Proffessor Walks into the Room) PROFESSOR Good News Everyone you will be delivering a package to Penguins Unlimited on the Surface of Pluto. Leela But Professor didn't we ruin that planet already and by we I mean Fry Bender and especially Zoidberg. Fry Thats not fair the ship we were flying only have 6,000 hulls. LEELA Shut up Fry. BENDER So Professor what are we delivering anyway. PROFESSOR Fresh Fish for the new baby Peniguins that were recently hatched. (Zoidberg Picks his head into the room.) ZOIDBER Fresh Fish, Penguin Babies oh what a day it is. PROFESSOR Shut Up you Over sized Crab. ZOIDBERG I was wondering if there is any room on the delivery that I could maybe tag along.
BENDER How much ya got. ZOIDBERG I got a dollar, a certificate saying I have been illegally practicing medicine for 15 years and Banana peel. BENDER I'll take the dollar and the peel. (Zoidberg has a small piece of Banana Peel on the side of his mouth.) ZOIDBERG What Banana Peel. FRY Sorry Zoidberg I guess you can't come. ZOIDBERG Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Ext. of Planet Express Ship still in Hangar. (Fry, Leela and Bender are all loading packages in to the ship. They walk away and leave into another room Zoidberg comes into room to see no on there.) ZOIDBERG You know I could sneak onto the ship. My friends would never know I could just go and look around. (Zoidberg sneaks onto the Planet Express Ship. Fry, Leela and Bender walk back into the Room.) LEELA Well I think thats everything. we better start going if we want to get the Package there in time. (They all walk into the Planet Express ship. The Ship Takes off.) Ext.Pluto Surface (Screen Read 20 Seconds Later) (The Ship Lands and the Door on the bottom of the ship to show Leela Bender and Fry with a big Package. Bender picks up the package and walks off the ship the crew follows.) Ext.Glass Dome-Front (The Crew walks by a sign that says Penguin unlimited and into a huge Glass Dome.) INT. Glass Dome (Inside the floor is made out of Ice a man walks up to him.) Free WaterFall Senior Hello Friends, I'm Free Waterfall Senior. Is this the Shipment of laser guns we ordered. LEELA No we were told that this is a package of fresh fish for the Penguins. FREE WATERFALL SENIOR Oh, that is not for the Penguins that is for the resistance members. FRY Resistance Members? Guns? Fish? Whats going on here. FREE WATERFALL SENIOR The Penguin Wars of 3007. After the Dark Matter Spill of 3001. The Dark Matter not only made the Penguins reproduce more but made the Penguins Much smarter. Penguins were somehow able to make guns and now are trying to control the planet Killing anyone they find. Walkie Talkie Hello, Hello is anyone there?
FREE WATERFALL SENIOR Yeah were here. WALKIE TALKIE Yeah we found the Package of Guns about 20 miles from the base. Oh no the Penguins they're here. the Package is about a mile away from the ship. (There are a bunch of shots heard in the background and quacks then the walkie talkie goes blank.) FREE WATERFALL SENIOR Hello, Hello, you there? Alright get into the Zamboni. (The Team hops into the Zamboni and Drive out of the Glass Dome.) Int. Glass Dome (Zoidberg Jumps out of the Ship and waves his hands in ther air.) ZOIDBERG Guess What Friends Guess who snuck onto the ship. Hello? Friends? Ohhhhhhhh. EXT.PLUTO SURFACE (The Crew is on the Zamboni. There are world class skaters in back of them skating on the Freshly smoothed ice. The Zamboni finally reaches the ship. Its on fire.) FREE WATERFALL SENIOR Were going to have to scope the surrounding area for the box here take the remaining guns we have and a walkie talkie. (He hands a gun to each member of the crew. The all scatter.) EXT.PLUTO SURFACE-Fry (Fry is slowly walking hes shivering. There is a Ice Cave in the Far distance.) FRY Maybe the Box is in that warm wind blocking Ice cave. (Fry walk into the Ice Cave. The Cave Looks Long.) FRY Wow this is a long Ice Cave maybe there will be treasure or something in the end of the Tunnel. (Fry finally walks to the end oh the Tunnel. His mouth falls open. He gasps.There Frozen at the End of the Tunnel is fry. The Frozen Fry is wearing a Space outfit with a space helmet.) EXT.PLUTO SURFACE-LEELA (Leela is walking there is nothing around her except Ice.) Fry-Walkie Talkie Hello? Leela, Bender, Creepy old guy? LEELA Yeah Fry I'm here what do you want? FRY-WALKIE TALKIE I think you better come here quickly before my brain fills with more confusion. LEELA Judging by my wrist thingy Fry is exactly a half a mile away from here. EXT. ICE CAVE (Leela looks at the the ice cave with curiosity.) LEELA Fry must be in there. (Leela Walks into the Cavern.) INT. GLASS DOME (A Moms Corp Delivery man walks into the dome. Walks to Zoidberg with the package who is in the middle of a giant pile of Fish Bones.The Delivery Guy is Sal) SAL Here's the package you ordered. ZOIDBERG Oh yes, the package I ordered being rich and all I could pay for packages. SAL Whatever just sign here.... and here.. and here. ZOIDBERG Okay thank you kind sure for this package. (Sal Walk out of the Glass Dome. Zoidberg looks at the Box.) ZOIDBERG Maybe theres more fish in there. Oh this is the best day ever, there really is a god. (Zoidberg opens a box. In the Box are tons of Guns) ZOIDBERG Oh no, if these are the guns what are my friends looking for? Int. Cave (Fry is in the back of the cave his mouth wide open. There are groans and loud roars coming his way. All oh a sudden the Monster from Star Wars Episode 5 comes around the Corner into Fry's Vision.) FRY Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (The Monster Takes his head of to reveal its bender.) BENDER Oh my God ahhhhh save me god hahahaha. FRY What the hell was that for? BENDER Well I bought this costum a year ago and thought this would be the perfect time to use it. What the hell is that? (He points to the Fry Frozen. Leela Walks in too.) LEELA What the hell is Wh.....(Gasps) BENDER If your there who the hell is that? FRY I don't know. But we need to get him back to the ship. LEELA Alright I'll use my Wrist Laser to get it out. (Leela points the Wrist laser at the Body and make a perfect square to cut out the body.) FREE WATERFALL SENIOR-Walkie Talkie Hello? This Is Waterfall here I found the Guns. LEELA We found something even crazy. Bring the Guns and the Zamboni were going to need it. FREE WATERFALL SENIOR-WALKIE TALKIE Alright Rodger, Rodger. LEELA No Leela not Rodger Rodger. The mans off his rocking chair. (Freeman Waterfall senior arrives on the zamboni to the back of the Cave.) FREE WATERFALL SENIOR Oh my Heaven. That be you in there. FRY Yep and we need to get him on the Zamboni. (The Crew Lifts the Frozen Figure on to the Zamboni. They all get in the Zamboni and ride to the opening of the cave. Right when they are about to get out. About 100 Penguins Block the Entrance.) LEELA Oh no get the Guns use the Zamboni as a Baricade. (They all get out of the zamboni and hide behind it the Penguins are shooting at them.They open the box to see that there aren't laser guns but infact they are infact regular guns like from frys time but a little more advance.) LEELA Oh no these will never work the bullets are completely frozen these aren't Laser guns at all these guns got outdated around the Twenty Second Century. FRY Oh no what are we going to do? FREE WATERFALL SENIOR The only thing we can do wait until the penguins kill us. (Then the Cave ceiling in back of them crashes and the Planet Express Ship lands in the ice cave the Door opens to on the Bottom of the Ship to Zoidberg holding one of the Laser Gun.) ZOIDBERG El Zoido's Here Pow Pow (Making the Sounds with his voice) Get in friends I'll cover you.
BENDER Turn the Safety off yo idiot. ZOIDBERG Oh right the safety. (Zodiberg Turns the Safety off and the crew gets on the Zamboni and drives it on the Ship. The Ship takes off.) INT. GLASS DOME (The Crew Gets off the Ship.) FREE WATERFALL SENIOR Thanks for everything guys you should get going theres a nasty battle starting. LEELA are you going to be alright? FREE WATERFALL SENIOR Yeah we should be alright. I have sent for troops lead by Zapp Brannigan. LEELA Yeah we better stay. Ext. Planet Pluto (30 ships are outside the reaches of the planet all saying Doop on them.) Ext. Glass Dome.Front (All the Ships Land. Men get out of all of them led by Zapp and Kif.) Kif Sir why did we bring so many ships were fighting Penguins.
Zapp Shut Up your still under Jinx and I havn't said your name yet. So you can't talk INT. GLASS DOME All the Troop walk into the Dome mostly filling it they all hold weapons including the Planet Express Crew. ZAPP So what do we got Gentle... Leela what a pleasure to see your rocking hot body here. LEELA (Sarcasticly) No the Pleasure is mine. FREE WATERFALL SENIOR We have around 1000 Penguins fully loaded coming this way. ZAPP How long until they get here? FREE WATERFALL SENIOR About 3 minutes ZAPP Men and Leela Get to Battle Stations. (Everyone Run outside.) EXT. GLASS DOME.-Back (All the Men are i rows 30 by 10. All pointing there guns straight ahead of them. Then over a small hill a thousand Penguins come over the Hill. Fry Stands up Shoot one Shot into the Air and Screams.)
FRY THIS IS FUTURAMA! Announcer Will the planet Express Crew Die Horrible Deaths? Will Fry ever find out who that Frozen Man is will? The Planet of Pluto Finally be Taken back from the Penguins Rule? Find out in Part 2 of So Easy a Cave Man Could do it [Steven Gurman's Fan Fics] [Fan Fics MAIN] Support TFP: |
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