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Here you will find some data and a short description of the main and some secondary Futurama characters. Just click on a character to see the respective bios that will appear below the menu.

Cubert J. Farnsworth

Classification: Male Human
Age: 12
Birthplace: New New York - Earth
Occupation: Student
Common phrase: Unknown
Other Features:
He is a clone of Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth.
One of the more annoying person in all the series.
His nose looks like a pig nose.
He has a metal thing around his wrist.
He had a Periodic Table Lunchbox.

Cubert was created because the Professor needed a successor after he had 160 years old. He decided not to be an inventor as his Father (himself?) but later he understood the way that the Planet Express Starship moves around the universe and decided to be just like his dad. His only friend is Dwight (Hermes Conrad's son). They once created a delivery company called Awesome Express and they go to school together.

Related Pages:
There was a site about Cubert but I don't remember the name.

futurama point . character bios . cubert j. farnsworth
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